Sunday, July 03, 2005

A True Wonder: Shasta Groene Safe At Last

We at Wondir often take for granted the little wonders we achieve each day.

The simple act of reaching out to help someone, even with something as simple as their homework, can mean the world to them.

Well, with breaking news at 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning another small wonder hit home.

Little Shasta Groene was found safe and is now being reunited with her family.

The man who had her, since her disappearance in early May, walked into a Denny’s restaurant with her.

And, while she nibbled on chicken fingers, two quick thinking employees, the manager and waitress with a big heart, noticed that the quiet little girl was in fact, the missing 8 year old.

The simple act of paying attention to our surroundings, looking at what is going on and staying a tiny bit informed about the news, can make a huge difference.

But one thing still sets these two Denny’s employees apart…something we at Wondir already know, or should.

The simple act of stepping up, asking a few meaningful questions, and being willing to take a stand and make that call.

It’s something that we do daily, though not in such a humongous way.

I’d like to think that somewhere out there we’ve all touched a life, maybe even saved one. But, I know for two very special Denny’s workers Independence Day has taken on a WHOLE new meaning…

You see, with a simple question, a good eye and a caring heart, two people showed a little 8 year old girl the true meaning of Independence…together they gave Shasta her FREEDOM!!!!

The sad part, at this time at least, is her older brother Dylan, aged 9, is still missing. We all pray for him and for her…

Welcome Home Little One!

We have all missed you and prayed for you and your brother.

And we will continue to do so!


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