Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Objectivity Of Wondir

The Objectivity Of Wondir

To me, one of the Wondirful things about Wondir is the vast number of possible responses you can get to anything you post or ask.

Ask a direct question, get a direct answer…most of the time. Ask an indirect question or an advice question you can get a wide variety of possible answers.

Depending upon who is on at the time you post your questions you might get serious, you might get silly, you might get accurate, you might (rarely) get inaccurate, you might just get someone else’s bias…


Do you allow your personal feelings to sway your posts? Of course you do…

That’s what we are basing most of our ADVICE on!

We live and breathe as we have experienced life. Our lessons in life are what we offer to the users of Wondir. We give as has been given to us, and modify it to fit the situations at hand, we look back upon what we have learned, the results from our actions and the final outcome of our action and HOPEFULLY we have modified our viewpoints to learn from our mistakes, grow with them and give better advice than that which we had been given in our situation.

We can’t give good advice on something we haven’t experienced. We can’t give good advice on things we don’t know about .

We give from what we know. We give from what we have experienced.

But we all need to TRY not to give from our own bias, our own hurt or our own deep seeded feelings. Trying is the least that is expected when giving advice.

We have to try to be a fresh voice to those who ask. To those in need…
And THAT is to potential I see in Wondir!

In other words, don’t let YOUR past hinder THEIR future!

Be open, truthful and honest in your dealings with others on Wondir. Give the best possible advice you can with a clear heart/conscience any seek never to do harm to anyone you give advice to.

If you can put away your bias, think about the situation that the poster is in, view the one side, and at best, and I mean at BEST…imagine the other sides viewpoint, than turn around and give an opinion that has NOTHING to do with your own opinions…than you can succeed in giving the right advice!

If you can separate your opinions that are based upon your own hurt and anger than you can give free, clear and un-biased answers to those that are looking for help, sometimes desperately.


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