Tuesday, July 12, 2005

To Register or Not: That Is The Question (Part 2 of Many I Suspect)

I linked to the original message but you have to be a member to see it so I'll repost it here for those who don't Yahoo...

Topic: Wow! Someone agrees with me that anyone should be able to answer at Wondir! (in regards to a poll that left me as the only one who thought anyone should be able to post answers to questions at Wondir.)

Now for the meat of the post....

/me does a little dance

It was lonely being the 1 sitting by myself for so long.

To whoever posted:

/me sings

It's you and me against the world.......(Helen Reddy version)

Sometimes it feels like you and me against the world...

But seriously...

I'm looking into several possible options on this issue cause I can see both sides.

There's ideas like a "trial" membership, which has great potential, but is open to abuses...there's a "free membership" that requires someone out of Wondir to read the replies and either allow them or not, another possible abuse issue and it takes tooooooooooo long considering the volume Wondir does now and what it can and WILL do in the future.

Another idea is more moderators...but how many of us are really out there and want to play "cop" all the time, it kind of takes us away from what we are all at Wondir for...the questions!

Yet another is "requiring I.D." which is so riddled with flaws I can barely believe I typed it with a straight face....NUFF SAID!

What we have now, works for now, we all know it will change, and probably within the next 6 to 12 months.

For better? We hope!

For worse, God forbid.

But this is no different than the problem with the Mature Category. I mean GOD forbid kids find out the TRUTH about sex....

Which I am more worried about because it it way more abused and has way more possibilities for SERIOUS abuse, than WGuest clients.

The solution lies with US...

Together with the WonDirful (darn that slipped)*winks at Allen*, people at Wondir and the input we get from Allen, Matt and Cindy, I think there can be a realistic and workable option for both the Registered accounts and the Mature Category problems.

But, before we cut people, including kids, off from getting the help they want and at times NEED, we need to look carefully at this issue and where we see ourselves in a year, or two, or ten.

Do we really want to be sitting here cutting and pasting from Wikipedia all night long?

Or do we really want to reach out on the rare occassions and really make a difference?

If I could give you a list of the teens and preteens that I have helped online, thanks to Wondir, you'd be shocked. These are kids I keep in touch with, and a lot of parents that I keep in touch with who are very glad that Wondir is there and that someone stepped up and was willing to help when their child asked for help with a problem.

Realize that each and EVERY answer you post on Wondir can change alife. More often than you believe is possible!

Just a little for you to chew on for a few days...I'll have more rants for you later as you already know...

But as for you and yours....

Be Happy, Be True, Be Honest....but MOST of all....BE YOURSELF!

Bond Hunter ~ Ken

*Message first posed on Wondirland Yahoo Group then to my blog...available on the links page of this Group.


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