Bright And Shiny Future: Part 3 of Many!!!
Wondir: A Bright And Shiny Future: #3 of MANY!*
* or how to muck things up without really trying…
As you have noticed by now I’m doing this 1 trillion page post piece by piece.
Some Wondirful Wondir mod wrote in with this…
“On the Admin Site, I would like the ability to plug in a Wondir ID and see all the user's questions and answers. (Sometimes I see a post complaining about another user. I end up searching every single question and answer looking for that user's offensive post. If another moderator got to it, then I can search for it and never find it!)”
To me, this is a definite 10! I’ve been there and done that too many times. Give me the abusers WGuest number and I can see what’s been said and done. This should also include deleted posts and if the person or email addy has been banned before. It would make it simpler for Mods to be able to track trouble-makers and perverts. *Gasp* Yeah I’ve run across a few but not too many YET…
The same user/mod offered this idea:
“When logged in as a moderator, some right-click features would be great. From the Wondir site, it would be great if I could right-click on a question and choose to re-categorize, then be offered the categories, and select. I could buzz right down the board and get stuff in the proper categories.”
I agree here, to re-categorize stuff on Wondir is just a PITA. I gave that up months ago. The filtering system gets most things right but a lot of times it really mucks things up and you sit there in a category and go “Hmm…..what made it put THAT here????”
As I said in my previous reply, no filtering system designed yet is perfect but…why not shoot for it now? And if you can’t…why not make it easier on those that can and would be reorganizing things?
This same resourceful mod offered the idea of letting mods know when other mods are online at Wondir.
Anyone think Wondir ought to just hire this mod? LOL
I love this idea, and when a post gets deleted I can message the mod if I have Q’s about who, what, when, where, why and how….well we know how….so pass on that..
This brings me to another post…err, posts and a few private emails I’ve gotten. Mods cover your ears cause you might not like this one…
A few people have mentioned this, and I’ve seen it with my own eyes. And is PISSES ME OFF TO NO END! (Originally I had ticked in there, but no, it’s MUCH more than that now that I think about it…Grrrrr!!!!)
Posts that are not there when I click on them. And I mean posts that are for real, serious, meaningful and not in offensive language or off-color.
I’ll give you an example. I was in an on again/off again posting with a girl one night and I noticed that several of her posts were getting deleted almost instantly.
If that wasn’t bad enough, this girl was in an abusive situation at home and needed help instantly, not to have to repost 100 times.
It seems occasionally we have rouge mods at Wondir. Mod’s who wheel a little bit of power and let it go to their heads and think they know what is and isn’t proper for Wondir to answer, a child to ask, or a user to post.
GET OVER YOURSELF! You aren’t THAT FLIPPIN’ IMPORTANT!! And if you feel the need to be…then…..GO SOMEPLACE ELSE!!!
Wondir is about Questions and Answers. Wondir is about reaching out and helping others. Wondir is about a community that comes together and helps those in need.
As has been said on my blog…
"Sometimes it takes a village, or more precisely, someone in the village who can help you," Dr. Matthew Koll, founder and CEO of Wondir.
And Matt has a great point there in reference to this post…if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem…
You don’t like it…move on to the next question you like. We all have that choice, we can ignore anything we choose to, if we CHOOSE to…
Rogue Mods choose to decide what the rest of the community is allowed to say and answer. If you can’t be a tiny bit open and objective, RESIGN your Mod status and go hang out in a Yahoo chat room! You’ll be more useful there!!!!!
I despise censorship in all its forms unless it gets racist, sexually explicit or just plain senseless.
Wondir is driven by people answering Questions. Openly, honest and truthful.
Just as I hate people that answer a question with “Google it” or “I don’t know” just to get their ratings up…I hate even worse the people that abuse their powers to help…turning them into powers to hinder.
As a mod, your job is to keep the boards safe and clean (by standards accepted within the community).
You don’t decide whose opinion is right or wrong, you don’t say who can ask what question unless it is put in foul language or seductive phrases, you don’t decide if a person should or should not have an abortion…you give opinions, without causing the person to be offended and run screaming from Wondir to some place more safe and users friendly)
My true feelings be known, I would love to see the Mature and Religion categories deleted. They are the cause of most of the wars and problems on Wondir. Wondir is not a debate board, it is for answers…give yours…back it up…cut the bullshit….and move on!
Don’t sit there and delete an answer that is different than yours unless it is clearly wrong (Hint: KNOCK IT OFF IN THE RELIGION CATEGORY!) or offensive (Hint: KNOCK IT OFF IN THE MATURE CATEGORY!)
This in and of itself is reason for knowing who the mods are that are on and what they have done. And I believe that all users, registered or not should have the ability to see who the mods are and what they/we have deleted and WHY.
Which brings me to my personal rant for this post…
Short and simple: When a Mod deletes a post they should be required to give a reason WHY!
This cuts through all the BS and gets right to the point. Same way with banning people. Let me see their history, let me see the post where the complaint came from..let me decide from there!
Enough for now….
Bring it on!!!!
Be safe, be HAPPY…but most of all… YOURSELF!!!
Bond Hunter ~ Ken
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