Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A mad and RAVING rant on Parenting, American Society and OUR Responsibility to kids!

I recently posted on a board on Yahoo that is connected to Wondir the following RANT, yes, a RANT...not that I'm not already known for these but here's the whole story...be patient

The Moderator posted this sad but true story and a question...deep in deed:

A mother was walking home along the road in Middlesborough, Teeside UK
with her 10 month old baby girl in a pushchair when she was approached
by a youth who appeared to be drunk or under the influence of drugs.

He punched the baby twice in the face before fleeing.

The baby was taken to hospital but thankfully was not suffering from
any major injuries.

If/when this moron is caught what punishment would you prescribe?

Now...you all know me and my love for children and kids and teens. Do you think I even had a chance to think this one through or did I just unload?

Well if you guessed BOTH you're right...I fought posting for the longest time and finally had to blow...

So here it is in all it's mess and bloody glory, Heed my words!

That's so disturbing...

Depending on his age...youth usually means over 13 or 14....


Detox him, make him face the family and pay for what he did...jail
time INCLUDED!!!

Come on people stop using drugs or intoxication as an excuse for
horrible crimes. THIS is what is wrong with this country and even
the world.

We excuse things like this because "they may have a problem".

It's the BLAME GAME...spin the wheel and see which family member or
section of society you get to BLAME for all the nasty things you did
wrong and why your life is so messed up!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!

And, sadly we have a loser...

Society...think back to when we were all kids, I'm talking to those
of us in our mid 30's to early or even late 40's...

Would this SHIP have happened then? (grins at the careful cloaking)

If this had happened to my child I would have tracked the little
punk down and kiled him, just like my daddy would have done. THIS is
what is RIGHT for their kids!

I deal with this on Wondir day after day, it's why my posts have
dropped from #1 in 90 days to like #8...I'm not there as much, I'm
in IM's and Emails dealing with issues of families falling apart and
parents not doing their jobs...drunks daddies and dating mommies
don't make up for a STABLE FAMILY HOME LIFE!

I'm not saying you HAVE to stay married when you know its over, or
to do what our grand-parents did and STAY TOGETHER FOR THE
KIDS...but be a father or mother, even if you aren't with the child
at the time.

It's time for American families to GTF up...a little faster than our
kids are...cause if not...remember...when you're old and in

*Reposted to my blog just to tick off a few more Wondirites

We waste so much of our youth trying to grow up, yet we miss so much in doing so. And as parents we rush our children through life as if it was our decision. Who gave us that right? Who said "Make your kid take care of YOU ASAP!!!"?

Who is the father that sits by and gets drunk night after night while his kids chat online to strangers asking for ways to get Daddy to stop drinking?

Who is the mother who is out running the town while her preteens sit on the internet and ask "Why doesn't our mom love us anymore"?

Who is the teen the sits home at night contemplating suicide while her parents are out drugging up?

And who are WE who sit online trying to help these kids in need?

Well I already know who I am, I think you do to...now...how to get this BACK TO THE PARENTS!!!

I'd love to come to a board that only whats recipes!!! Instead of info about cutting, suicide and running away...

What a sad, cruel world we live in today...and to think...WE WERE THE ONES THAT WANTED TO GROW UP SO FAST...

The only solace I have is that it happened inthe UK...or is it just never reported HERE?

Rant over...continue your surfing...


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