Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bright and Shiny Future: Part Four

Bright And Shiny Future: Part Four
* Or “How To Lose Friends And Tick Everyone Off!

Hey all, welcome to another issue of your suggestions and ideas for enhancing the Wondir experience.

If you read your Weekly Wondir…and you should! You know we got our first Blog Suggested Upgrade! We got…umm…..what are they called…..umm…err…hmmm…..oh, wait PARAGRAPHS!!!

So now I CAN post




WANT! (Just kidding Allen…)

Now on to the next batch of rants and raves…hold on boys and girls and keep all limbs inside the car as it barrels into the unknown…

One suggestion that has been brought up and it was also one of my ideas too is a little box on the site, preferably on the Category board where one can type in a registered users name and see their posts without having to wait for them to post.

In other words, you want to see what questions I’ve asked and answered you would simply click on this box, type in my name and click OK.

Up would pop both my Q’s and A’s with links to the Q’s I posted the A’s to.
Just like clicking on my name gives you the option to see both my Q’s and my A’s but you don’t have to scroll through the whole day to see if I was on to get to my name. (Yes, I know you can always bookmark my Stats page, but that gets to be too much if you have a lot of people that you know and want to keep an eye on, especially for those who are moderators. Sometimes we like to keep a long-term eye on known offenders so we know that they aren’t repeating their prior infractions.


Someone suggested that if you post a link in a WIM, it should open in another window that BOTH you and the person who asked the question would see…kind of like a shared ride...some site did that I know I heard about it but never knew what is was for…

Now this would be interesting. But I’d like to take it a step further, how about incorporating into the WIM, so the WIM window (WIMDOW?) opens to a full page and you can type and guide at the same time (me sees Allen dialing MIT for this one…)

I could talk to you in the message part, point with my mouse, even GUIDE you if you ALLOW me to do so, and walk you through things step by step.

*Me hears Matt scream from the background*

Yeah too open to MAJOR ABUSE…

Imagine if you will…you or your CHILD, allows me to take you on a magical ride over the internet…did it just get cold in here or was it just me? We all know each other to an extent, those of us regulars…but who are you going to trust THAT much? *Note: Whole other Blog Post to come…
*Great idea, hard to implement, harder to monitor. This would take a lot of work but I’d love to see it. For this to happen I would have to foresee a “quasi-staff” who were both verified by the staff at Wondir, with a police background check and constant monitoring. For now it is impossible considering the size of Wondir’s staff and the complexity of the project…BUT…..it’s on my back burner for when *dreams of a Google/Wondir pairing* things are different.


Fad Boards…

Yes, this is an issue that has been sent to me either here on the blog or by email a zillion times!!! Ok, not a zillion but lots of times…

Books *cough*Harry*Potter*cough* and TV shows and Movies create a HUGE following at times, simply look at Lord Of The Rings or that series about some Wizard Kid…forget his name though…

I know a lot of you don’t like the Fad idea or the Kids idea, but face it…kids are a HUGE part of Wondir’s following. If we kicked all the kids off we’d all be sitting around answering questions like “What is the name of the guy the manicures a horses hoofs?”(and again HUSH YOU!!) and you know we have ALL been though that phase already.

Fad Boards are a part of the internet, like fan pages are to celebrities. I like or love you or your movie so I set up a fan page at some free hosting site…

This is no different, those questions would be routed to the correct board for them and, IF, we are not subscribed to that channel we don’t have to see it.

Yes, that’s another post I need to do…how to add and subtract boards from your list.
The question is how many boards Wondir wants to have and to support. Specialty board thin out the people answering on the ALL CATEGORIES while adding little value to the site as a whole, except to those who are on that board.

To me, it’s like the Mature Category.
Personally I don’t go there, I’ve been there and seen it before, didn’t feel the need to offer my hand…umm…bad wording there….offer my advice there and to tell you the truth at times it is just a message board meant solely for adults.

I’d say 90% of the sex related questions go to Pregnancy, Relationships Teen or other (though I have no idea why) boards.

To me the Mature Category should be a restricted board. You sign up, you send Wondir a copy of your Drivers License and they call you to verify. From that point on it’s THEIR problem.
Get a mod or two, I know there are a few that go there, have them watch for fake accounts and kids.


Someone posted this…and it has my 110% backing.

When logged in as a moderator, some right-click features would be great. From the Wondir site, it would be great if I could right-click on a question and choose to re-categorize, then be offered the categories, and select. I could buzz right down the board and get stuff in the proper categories.

Easier re-categorizing would be a major upgrade. Point, click…zip
End of Story.


Again…Moderator Tracking…

I’d love to know who is a mod and when they are online. And the added ability to /message them in a NON-POSTED way to discuss problem posters and deletions.

I’d don’t want to have this turn into a Mod. Vs. Mod. War

I’d just like to know who you banned and why… show me the reason and I can back you 100%
Otherwise it is your word against theirs…

How about a pop-up when you Suspend someone or delete their posts or answers.

Simple form: Mod123 erased response from WGuest12123232. Reason: Vulgar
Explanation: Modified Curse Word

Mod 563 Suspended account named Bitemybutt for: Explanation: User repeatedly violated Wondir rules by cursing, asking for or offering sex, harassing other users…blah, blah, blah..

These I can understand…but there has to be a link to said infringements.


Email responses

This is something I’ve noticed and think needs to be addressed soon. Someone answers or responses to a post or a question and in my email I only get part of the post…send it all to me…easy enough…plus include a link to View Question and all responses, not just a link to email them back and make me have to hunt for the Question.


The AnswerBus Problem…

A lot of people do not know that AnswerBus is a so called “search site” that refers to Wondir when it is not in their database.

Well I’ve almost lost my head a few times with AnswerBus and it’s repeated posts of the same questions over and over and over…

Someone posts often Does AnswerBus EVER learn?

Apparently not. The database seems to miss everything, add nothing and is totally useless. I’ve actually posted the same question over and over to see if it learns, I’ve even gone as far as to make sure I’m the one that answers it. Yet still the AnswerBus database learns little if anything.
Someone needs to get AnswerBus to put more of Wondirs answers into the database a lot faster. I love the idea of type question, get instant answer, but this ain’t it.


WonDir Contests/Wondir Bowl

A recent visitor asked that there be some contests that aren’t geared to users being online 24/7 in order to win.

Now, as a long time winner in these Wondir Bowls I would love to see something original. Something not based on ratings or how many questions you answer.

But that’s a hard field to sow.

If anyone has any suggestions I would love to see them. After all, I have enough mugs to last me a while.

Contest suggestions should be fair to all, not geared to ratings, or number if questions answered, focused on a real topic, not CHAT related.

Email me with some ideas!!! Allen and Matt would love to see them!

And on that note, I’ll remind you once again, we have the ear of the guys in charge. All you have to do is ASK!

If you don’t ask, they don’t know, they can’t respond and things don’t get better. The worst you get from asking is a No...sorry can’t do that for these reasons….

I have NEVER had anyone at Wondir just tell me no or YES for that matter…they always tell you why…

For now…Be Safe…Be Happy….but most of all…..BE YOURSELF!!

Bond Hunter Over and OUT!


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