Tuesday, July 26, 2005

WTF is a "WIDGET"?

Yahoo! has just bought a company that makes, of all things.....yes......Widgets?

Gotta be the coolest things I've discovered recently...they even have an RSS feed reader!

Wanna know everything about everything? They've got a widget for that!!!

Check it out!!


Monday, July 25, 2005

No link, No Post, Just A rememberance of Jonnie B

Nine and 1/2 years ago on the 26th of December the world lost its most beautiful angel...

We still remember JonBenet...and always will

Rest in peace baby girl, your killer WILL be found!


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Interview With The Search Engine

If you like computer humor than you HAVE to read this



Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Blinkx Gives Users Their RSS TV

Nice article for you RSS Fans out there:

Startup indexes search terms, then notifies users when matching content is available.

Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

San Francisco-based startup Blinkx has announced its multimedia search engine will be able to notify users whenever it indexes content that matches a term the users previously searched for.

The RSS alert system, called SmartFeed, is expected to go live on Blinkx's Web site on Tuesday. After users enter a search term on Blinkx TV, they will get the option of setting up an RSS alert for it. Blinkx TV delivers the alerts to the user's Really Simple Syndication aggregator service as text links to the multimedia content.

Users can opt to receive content alerts for any search term from all or some of Blinkx TV's more than 30 audio and video channels, which include BBC News, Fox News, CNN, Bloomberg Television, NBC, MSNBC News, ABC, and ESPN, said Suranga Chandratillake, Blinkx's co-founder.

Media Everywhere

Blinkx also plans to make available the application programming interface for SmartFeed so that developers can incorporate it into their own Web sites and software, he said. Those using the API for personal purposes will not have to pay anything, while commercial developers will have to request a license for it, he said. There will be a section of the Blinkx site devoted to SmartFeed developers, according to Chandratillake.

In addition to indexing multimedia content from commercial providers, Blinkx TV also serves up amateur audio and video collected from the Web at large, as well as podcasts.

Blinkx TV uses speech recognition and transcription capabilities to index not just audio and video files but the spoken parts of those files. This means that Blinkx TV is able to deliver the precise clip that contains the term the user is searching for, as opposed to just pointing the user at, say, an hour-long clip without indicating where in it the desired segment appears.


Friday, July 15, 2005

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Stupid Is As Stupid Does:
The Forrest Gump Syndrome On Wondir.
Mama always said “Stupid is as stupid does”

One of the most memorable lines in the movie Forrest Gump. But, how does it apply to Wondir?

Oh you’d be surprised…

Ever had a poster who just repeatedly asked the same question over and over and over again?
We all have. But how do you handle it?
Me, I repost the same answer I gave the first time.

But every now and then we’ve all had the poster who refuses to even acknowledge you or anyone else, except if you post what they WANT to hear.

There are people out there that only want you to back-up what they want to hear. If they don’t want to hear it, they’ll ignore you, most likely give you a zero on the ratings and keep posting until someone says what they really want to hear.

As annoying as it is, we all have to learn to live with it, post what is your hearts best response, open and honest and truthful, and move on.

There are people who wallow in their unhappiness and want you, me or anyone to be their backbone.

“Tell me what I want to hear…”

Sorry, I’ll tell you want you need to hear, what you may not want to hear and on occasion I’ll tell you what you want to hear…If you’re right.

If they are registered users you get to know these people, but most of them just want the instant gratification and they’re gone…the dreaded WGuest.

But some might stick around, how do you handle them?
Not easy, but monitor them, read their posts…see their responses…maybe they’ve learned from us, or at least become a little more open-minded to other possibilities. If you can achieve that, take a bow, you’ve worked Wondirs…

The main thing is to not get too bogged down on one post (Yeah, I’m a GREAT one for giving that advice…post on Wondir, spend 6 months on AIM in the same convo). Don’t let them steal your joy and your motivation. We’ve all here to help, or we should be…and on a personal note again, if you aren’t on Wondir to help…GO AWAY, you’re just part of the problem.

Be true to yourself and what you believe, post with your head and your heart and don’t let this contagious disease make you its next victim.

Next Up:
If You Can’t Fix It Duct It, If You Can’t Duct It…BLOG IT: Wondir Blogging!


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

To Register or Not: That Is The Question (Part 2 of Many I Suspect)

I linked to the original message but you have to be a member to see it so I'll repost it here for those who don't Yahoo...

Topic: Wow! Someone agrees with me that anyone should be able to answer at Wondir! (in regards to a poll that left me as the only one who thought anyone should be able to post answers to questions at Wondir.)

Now for the meat of the post....

/me does a little dance

It was lonely being the 1 sitting by myself for so long.

To whoever posted:

/me sings

It's you and me against the world.......(Helen Reddy version)

Sometimes it feels like you and me against the world...

But seriously...

I'm looking into several possible options on this issue cause I can see both sides.

There's ideas like a "trial" membership, which has great potential, but is open to abuses...there's a "free membership" that requires someone out of Wondir to read the replies and either allow them or not, another possible abuse issue and it takes tooooooooooo long considering the volume Wondir does now and what it can and WILL do in the future.

Another idea is more moderators...but how many of us are really out there and want to play "cop" all the time, it kind of takes us away from what we are all at Wondir for...the questions!

Yet another is "requiring I.D." which is so riddled with flaws I can barely believe I typed it with a straight face....NUFF SAID!

What we have now, works for now, we all know it will change, and probably within the next 6 to 12 months.

For better? We hope!

For worse, God forbid.

But this is no different than the problem with the Mature Category. I mean GOD forbid kids find out the TRUTH about sex....

Which I am more worried about because it it way more abused and has way more possibilities for SERIOUS abuse, than WGuest clients.

The solution lies with US...

Together with the WonDirful (darn that slipped)*winks at Allen*, people at Wondir and the input we get from Allen, Matt and Cindy, I think there can be a realistic and workable option for both the Registered accounts and the Mature Category problems.

But, before we cut people, including kids, off from getting the help they want and at times NEED, we need to look carefully at this issue and where we see ourselves in a year, or two, or ten.

Do we really want to be sitting here cutting and pasting from Wikipedia all night long?

Or do we really want to reach out on the rare occassions and really make a difference?

If I could give you a list of the teens and preteens that I have helped online, thanks to Wondir, you'd be shocked. These are kids I keep in touch with, and a lot of parents that I keep in touch with who are very glad that Wondir is there and that someone stepped up and was willing to help when their child asked for help with a problem.

Realize that each and EVERY answer you post on Wondir can change alife. More often than you believe is possible!

Just a little for you to chew on for a few days...I'll have more rants for you later as you already know...

But as for you and yours....

Be Happy, Be True, Be Honest....but MOST of all....BE YOURSELF!

Bond Hunter ~ Ken

*Message first posed on Wondirland Yahoo Group then to my blog...available on the links page of this Group.


Monday, July 11, 2005

Google Teams Up With T-Mobile!

Seems like Google never sleeps...Full internet access on your Cell Phone? Google Home Page? Gotta love them boys and girls over at Google!

Not to mention their stock broke $300 a share!

Personally I'm holding out for $500 if they don't do a 4-1 split.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Remains identified as Idaho 9-year-old

With the Wondirful news last week of the rescue and recovery of Shasta Groene we all held out hope and prayed for the safe return of her 9 year old brother Dylan.

Sadly CNN reports the the remains found in Lolo National Forest in western Montana are those of Dylan...

From whose of us on the net, and especially on Wondir:

Shasta, we love you and mourn with you in the loss of your brother Dylan. We continue to pray for you and your recovery. Never forget there will always be people who care about you and wish you the world!

Bond Hunter ~


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Google SMS Graduates from Google Labs But Remains in Beta; Web Demos Now Available

SearchEngineWatch has a blurb about Google releasing its Beta SMS with Web Demos!


Yahoo Tests Blog Search Engine

Lee Odden of the Online Marketing Blog wrote about a Yahoo Blog Search Engine that is currently being tested.


Wondir: Spanning The Globe

Wondir: Spanning The Globe

Someone posted a question a few weeks back that got me thinking…(a dangerous thing for me anytime)

Why, when a question is posted do we automatically assume the person is inquiring about the United States? After all, it isn’t the American Wide Web! It’s the World Wide Web…

Wondir has a huge following of posters, both guest and regulars, who are from overseas. But I’ve noticed in my own posts that often when a general question is asked my first response is to give a U.S. based answer.

Now, 99% of the time the answer is correct, but to assume that the person is asking about America is not thinking globally. As Wondir continues to grow it will be attracting millions of people from across the globe and the quick, logical, to us Americans anyway, response won’t always be the correct one.

Just something to ponder…


Friday, July 08, 2005

Social Responsibility and Wondir: What To Post?

Social Responsibility and Wondir:
What To Post?

In this day and age, with all the lawsuits, liability and people being sued for something as wondirful as saving someone’s life by using CPR or the Heimlich Maneuver, what sort of responsibility does someone have when they hand-out advice online?

The way I see it, and once again this is only me…is that you have a responsibility to give the best, most accurate advice and information as can be found. Also you have to be willing to go back, look at your answers and the other answers that are given for any post and research it a little more to back up your initial post.

Now, there are certain things I know for sure, like what is the name of the person that manicures a horses hoofs…..FARRIER!!! (Sorry, mental breakdown there for a second, answered that one a few times too many….) and on those things I can back myself up.

Links to Google, Wikipedia and other search sites help. Links to pages that discuss topics that are seen as “in the gray area” are a little harder to find…

Recently there have been a few posts asking “When did Hitler die?” Well there is the normal 1945 response, but there are also several sites that give different dates depending on the site owners viewpoints. I’ve found everything from “He’s still alive…” to “He was killed in 1960 in Brazil”, always with links to other “off the mark” sites that claim to be able to back them up.

How deep do you research this? How much time do you spend? Who do you believe?

Usually I try to post information and links from sites I trust, like Google, Wikipedia, CNN (CNN??????), the major networks, encyclopedias and trusted web sites.

I try to give links, and I know I’m not the best at this, to me its too much work for a simple research question, easier to just give the answer and move on, you all know some people are just looking for a simple 2+2=4 response, they won’t check it even if they think it is wrong…it’s called doing their homework for them…try it sometime…post 5 as the answer and see if you get busted on it!!

But what responsibility do we have by giving advice at Wondir?

Legally, right now none. I’m sure that will change the first time someone online gets sued because they failed to tell someone to “See a doctor!!”

Morally? It’s easier to ask this one question: WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR?

If you’re not here to help, then you are simply part of the problem. If you’re just here to win a T-Shirt or Insulated Coffee Mug, well GO AWAY…sorry if that hurts Wondir’s numbers, but I prefer a realistic person who is at the site to talk to others, give a little advice and maybe reach out to someone and help them through a crisis. Do we really want the glib poster hanging out and messing with peoples lives? No, of course not. And that is where the regulars and the moderators come in.

The regulars and the moderators (Wait that’s a Stephen King novel…no that’s a different story…) are fast to step up and correct inaccurate information, harmful information or totally useless responses.

Why post the reply “Umm…I don’t know” to a question? If you don’t know move on and find a post you do know! You’re not acting responsible when you take up peoples time, provide no information of your own, provide false information (knowingly false is even worse!) or just want to “chat” when the poster has not asked “Hey, anyone wanna chat WIM me!”

I know this argument fits nicely into the argument about requiring registration at Wondir to be able to answer questions and you already know how strongly I feel against that (as witnessed by a blog post a few days ago) but sometimes you just want to reach out and SLAP some people for the time they waste and the visitors they could be running off.

So you see in some ways I’m very liberal, but in others I’m more conservative then W. (Dubaya) himself. I’m protective of a system I’ve come to love, liberal enough to know it will change and wise enough to see it coming.

So I do all I can as a poster and moderator to limit the excuses that are given (normally by un-registered guests…*OUCH that hurt*) or people from sites like AnswerBus, RateMyTeacher or Bored.

So, how do we as regulars fix the problem before it becomes a problem?

We answer the questions as posted, truthfully, using the best we know, the best we can find on google or another search engine, the best we can from experience (don’t be afraid to say to someone hey, I was in that situation once, here’s what happened…………”) or from the heart.

Don’t be afraid to take a minute or two to look up the answer!

Google is your FRIEND! So are other regulars and the moderators. If you can’t find it, don’t know it or just don’t want to be bothered at the moment, pass it over, someone will get it or they will post it later! We can’t be all things too all people, but we can be the important thing to just the one whose life we touch…and yes, I can provide references to prove you can! All it takes is a few seconds out of your life, hell you’re here already, why not do this thing right!?!?

If you’re just here to chat, well there’s a billion chat programs and sites out there, go have a ball, but if you are serious about answering peoples questions and helping others…stick around, you’ll be glad you did…I know I am!

Next up: Sex and the Single Wondirer (Just kidding!)


Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Objectivity Of Wondir

The Objectivity Of Wondir

To me, one of the Wondirful things about Wondir is the vast number of possible responses you can get to anything you post or ask.

Ask a direct question, get a direct answer…most of the time. Ask an indirect question or an advice question you can get a wide variety of possible answers.

Depending upon who is on at the time you post your questions you might get serious, you might get silly, you might get accurate, you might (rarely) get inaccurate, you might just get someone else’s bias…


Do you allow your personal feelings to sway your posts? Of course you do…

That’s what we are basing most of our ADVICE on!

We live and breathe as we have experienced life. Our lessons in life are what we offer to the users of Wondir. We give as has been given to us, and modify it to fit the situations at hand, we look back upon what we have learned, the results from our actions and the final outcome of our action and HOPEFULLY we have modified our viewpoints to learn from our mistakes, grow with them and give better advice than that which we had been given in our situation.

We can’t give good advice on something we haven’t experienced. We can’t give good advice on things we don’t know about .

We give from what we know. We give from what we have experienced.

But we all need to TRY not to give from our own bias, our own hurt or our own deep seeded feelings. Trying is the least that is expected when giving advice.

We have to try to be a fresh voice to those who ask. To those in need…
And THAT is to potential I see in Wondir!

In other words, don’t let YOUR past hinder THEIR future!

Be open, truthful and honest in your dealings with others on Wondir. Give the best possible advice you can with a clear heart/conscience any seek never to do harm to anyone you give advice to.

If you can put away your bias, think about the situation that the poster is in, view the one side, and at best, and I mean at BEST…imagine the other sides viewpoint, than turn around and give an opinion that has NOTHING to do with your own opinions…than you can succeed in giving the right advice!

If you can separate your opinions that are based upon your own hurt and anger than you can give free, clear and un-biased answers to those that are looking for help, sometimes desperately.


Getting Free Wi-Fi? Think Twice!!

A man in Florida has just been arrested for hijacking the WiFi signal of someone else. Police are not saying "what" has was using the connection for, but if this case passes in court it won't matter.

We've all used open lines before, but it could be that the practice will soon come to an end.

All we can hope for is that someday the WWW will truly be FREE for all.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Google Blog: Stay up-to-date on all that is Google!!

I just stumbled across this blog and fell in love...it's all the new and niffty stuff google.com has planned and implemented.

I'm sure Wondir users can make a site like this very useful!!


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Internet Addiction Clinic?

Read this and just HAD to Wondir if this applies to anyone other than me?????

Leave a comment if you dare! ;)


A True Wonder: Shasta Groene Safe At Last

We at Wondir often take for granted the little wonders we achieve each day.

The simple act of reaching out to help someone, even with something as simple as their homework, can mean the world to them.

Well, with breaking news at 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning another small wonder hit home.

Little Shasta Groene was found safe and is now being reunited with her family.

The man who had her, since her disappearance in early May, walked into a Denny’s restaurant with her.

And, while she nibbled on chicken fingers, two quick thinking employees, the manager and waitress with a big heart, noticed that the quiet little girl was in fact, the missing 8 year old.

The simple act of paying attention to our surroundings, looking at what is going on and staying a tiny bit informed about the news, can make a huge difference.

But one thing still sets these two Denny’s employees apart…something we at Wondir already know, or should.

The simple act of stepping up, asking a few meaningful questions, and being willing to take a stand and make that call.

It’s something that we do daily, though not in such a humongous way.

I’d like to think that somewhere out there we’ve all touched a life, maybe even saved one. But, I know for two very special Denny’s workers Independence Day has taken on a WHOLE new meaning…

You see, with a simple question, a good eye and a caring heart, two people showed a little 8 year old girl the true meaning of Independence…together they gave Shasta her FREEDOM!!!!

The sad part, at this time at least, is her older brother Dylan, aged 9, is still missing. We all pray for him and for her…

Welcome Home Little One!

We have all missed you and prayed for you and your brother.

And we will continue to do so!


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Google Anounces Map Hacks

Interesting article on who else...Google!


Friday, July 01, 2005

Internet Trolls

From Wikipedia:

In the context of the Internet, a troll is a message that is inflammatory or hostile, which by effect or design causes a disruptions in discourse, or a person posting such messages. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, which, because of the use of an alternate persona, allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken, without serious consequences.

Self-proclaimed "trolls" may style themselves as devil's advocates, gadflies or "culture jammers," challenging the dominant discourse and assumptions of forum discussions in an attempt to break the status quo of groupthink. Critics have claimed that genuine "devil's advocates" generally identify themselves as such out of respect for etiquette and courtesy, while trolls may dismiss etiquette and courtesy altogether.

The contemporary use of the term first appeared on Usenet groups in the early 1990s. It is widely thought to be a diminutive of the phrase "trolling for suckers," itself derived from the sports-fishing technique of trolling.

The word likely gained currency because of its conveniently apt second meaning, drawn from the "trolls" portrayed in Scandinavian folklore and children's tales, which are often ugly, obnoxious creatures bent on wickedness and mischief.

As a pejorative, the term "troll" may also be a slander of opponents in heated debates, a tactic often used by trolls and non-trolls. Many times a person will post a sincere message that they are emotionally sensitive about and trolls know that the easiest way to upset them is to falsely claim that they are a troll. On other occasions a person may not instantly understand or fit into the social norms of a forum where most people are the same - and so acting just slightly out of social norms, often unintentionally, for legitimate reasons gets the poster falsely called a troll. Sometimes persons who merely want to be funny are accused of trolling, when that is not their intent. Many trolls now find that the traditional trolling tactics are so overused and commonplace that they have to disguise their trolling to make it effective - although, quite often, the disguising merely involves falsely accusing others of being trolls themselves.


Prior to DejaNews' archiving of Usenet, accounts of trolling were sketchy, there being little evidence to sort through. After that time, however, the huge archives were available for researchers. Perhaps the earliest known—although poorly documented—case is the 1982–1983 saga of AlexAndJoan from the CompuServe forums. Van Gelder, a reporter for Ms. magazine, documented the incident in 1996 in an article for his publication. Alex (in real life a 50+ shy psychiatrist from New York) pretended to be a highly bombastic, anti-religious, post-car-accident, wheelchair-bound, mute woman named Joan "in order to better relate to his female patients". This went on for two years and "Joan" had become a hugely detailed character with an array of emotional relationships. These began to fall apart only after "Joan" coaxed an online friend of hers into an affair with Alex.

"Even those who barely knew Joan felt implicated—and somehow betrayed—by Alex's deception. Many of us on-line like to believe that we're a utopian community of the future, and Alex's experiment proved to us all that technology is no shield against deceit. We lost our innocence, if not our faith." (Van Gelder, 1996, p.534)

Trolling in the 1990s

One early reference to "troll" found in the Google Usenet archive was by user "Mark Miller," directed toward the user "Tad" on Feb. 8, 1990. [1] However, it is unclear if this instance represents a usage of "troll" as it is known today, or if it was simply a chance choice of epithet:
"You are so far beyond being able to understand anything anyone here says that this is just converging on uselessness. The really sad part is that you really believe that you're winning. You are a shocking waste of natural resources - kindly re-integrate yourself into the food-chain...you mindless flatulent troll."

The more likely derivation can be found in the phrase "trolling for newbies," popularized in the early 1990s in the Usenet group alt.folklore.urban. The usage was somewhat different from the current notion of trolling; it was a relatively gentle inside joke by veteran users presenting questions or topics that had been so overdone only a new user would respond to them earnestly. Others expanded the term to include the practice of playing a seriously misinformed or deluded user, even in newsgroups where one was not a regular; these were often attempts at humor rather than provocation. In such contexts, the noun "troll" usually referred to an act of trolling rather than to the author.

Some longtime Usenet users continued to insist on these earlier definitions even after the term was applied more generally to inflammatory actions previously characterized as "flamebait".
In serious literature the practice was first documented by Judith Donath (1999), who used several anecdotal examples from various Usenet newsgroups in her discussion. Donath's paper outlines the ambiguousness of identity in a disembodied "virtual community" [2]:
"In the physical world there is an inherent unity to the self, for the body provides a compelling and convenient definition of identity. The norm is: one body, one identity. ... The virtual world is different. It is composed of information rather than matter."

Donath provides a concise overview of identity deception games which trade on the confusion between physical and epistemic community:

"Trolling is a game about identity deception, albeit one that is played without the consent of most of the players. The troll attempts to pass as a legitimate participant, sharing the group's common interests and concerns; the newsgroups members, if they are cognizant of trolls and other identity deceptions, attempt to both distinguish real from trolling postings and, upon judging a poster a troll, make the offending poster leave the group. Their success at the former depends on how well they—and the troll—understand identity cues; their success at the latter depends on whether the troll's enjoyment is sufficiently diminished or outweighed by the costs imposed by the group.

Trolls can be costly in several ways. A troll can disrupt the discussion on a newsgroup, disseminate bad advice, and damage the feeling of trust in the newsgroup community.

Furthermore, in a group that has become sensitized to trolling—where the rate of deception is high—many honestly naïve questions may be quickly rejected as trollings. This can be quite off-putting to the new user who upon venturing a first posting is immediately bombarded with angry accusations. Even if the accusation is unfounded, being branded a troll is quite damaging to one's online reputation." (Donath, 1999, p. 45)

Possibly the most prolific and accomplished troll of the mid to late ‘90s was the user ‘Callidice’ on the largest political debate forum on the web: Guardian Unlimited. This particular user was the first to be banned. She/he was able to impersonate other users and divide the entire community finally shutting down the site and engendering a paranoia among Guardian subscribers and journalists that persists to this day. For many in the internet news community the username ‘Callidice’ is synonymous with internet trolling. Many users maintain however that Callidice was highlighting the unwillingness of such ‘intelligent’ forums to address certain issues [she/he posted flagrantly racist bullshit] and frustrated with the censorship of legitimate discussion embarked on a course of disruption with sweeping consequences. As one of the most ‘successful’ internet Trolls ‘Callidice’s’ true identity remains unknown to this day. CLAIRE KAPLIN WROTE THIS!!! AND I CLAIM MY £5 rofl

Calling someone a troll makes assumptions about a writer's motives that are impossible to determine, whereas using the verb (calling a post "trolling") describes the reception of a post without making assumptions about motives. Such assumptions would generally be an example of the fundamental attribution error; i.e. inferring that behavior results from a person's nature or personality rather than examining behavior in the context of events surrounding the behavior. In other words, trolling may have more to do with context than with personality. Also, it may be possible to troll unintentionally. Regardless, both users and posts are commonly labelled as trolls when their content upsets people.
The term troll is highly subjective, and some posts will look like trolling to some while seeming like meaningful contributions to others. For example, a so-called troll may be playing Devil's advocate by stating conservative opinions in a liberal forum. Behavior which might be considered a simple rampage or an emotional outburst in other environments is often tagged with the term troll in Internet discussion.
The term is frequently used to discredit an opposing position in an argument. This can amount to an ad hominem argument; a purported troll of this nature may actually hold an insightful but controversial position that is generating controversy precisely because it has successfully challenged entrenched opinions.
Possible reasons people use more slang monikers in Internet-mediated discussion include the feeling of anonymity and impersonal perceptions of other conversants.
Regardless of the writer's motives, controversial posts are virtually guaranteed, in most online forums, to earn a corrective or patronizing or outraged response by those who do not distinguish between real physical community where people are actually exposed to some shared risk of bodily harm by their actions, and epistemic community based on a mere exchange of words and ideas. Customs of discourse, or etiquette, that originated in such physical communities are often applied naively by newcomers to the Internet who are not used to the range of views expressed online, especially anonymously.
Troll food refers to replies to the original controversial troll posts, that the trolls subsequently use as feedback to throw more fuel to the fire of their posts.
"Please do not feed the Trolls" is a warning sign that other article readers post to warn newbies that they believe the original poster is a troll.

Trolling in different Internet media
Trolling takes distinct forms in different media; it started on newsgroups, and as the Internet has evolved, so has trolling.
Usenet — hierarchies of newsgroups limit trolls' exposure, but crossposting can overcome this. Some Internet Service Providers implement limits on the number of newsgroups a message can be crossposted to. In one notable example, alt.net instituted a crosspost limit after the trolls on the system had become so notorious that Peter da Silva instituted a campaign for other systems to cease exchanging news with alt.net until they did something about the problem.
Mailing lists — usually controlled by moderators, so unwanted contributors can quickly be banned.
SlashCode-based forums use a rating system so that readers can moderate a post up or down from its initial rating. Readers can then choose to ignore posts that others have "modded down." Timing of trolls is particularly important, since earlier posts are more likely to be read than later posts. An ideal troll would generate much heated discussion and posting without further intervention from the troll.
Wikis — the flat, asynchronous and open model allows anyone to post anything; users work to undo negative changes using the built-in reversion tools, but this requires hundreds of volunteers to monitor large popular sites. Trolls tend to be more subtle than in discussion groups, often posting material that could be legitimate, but will cause controversy by challenging the current power structure. Difficulty is compounded by the impossibility of discerning whether a user is simply espousing a controversial opinion, or trolling. Sometimes wikis get vandalized.
Weblogs — in their most common form as a personal soapbox with the ability for anybody to leave comments, popular weblogs often make effective springboards for trolls, either as inflammatory comments or provocative entries. The ease with which weblogs can be linked encourages troll propagation.
IRC — the open nature of most IRC channels on popular networks enables any potential troll to enter and utilise any of a range of techniques, ranging from simple crapflooding to subtly irritating remarks to garner angry responses. The relative ease of evading bans from channels and servers and the volatile nature of many IRC users can allow trolls to perpetuate indefinitely.
Multiplayer first person shooters — online gaming attracts a large number of teenage males, who take advantage of the combative atmosphere and their general anonymity to disparage other players. See pwn for more information. Team killing and griefing -- breaking the social rules of the game to harass other players -- can also be considered similar.
Online Fantasy Sports — A troll will infiltrate a free, online league with multiple teams from different identity accounts and then attempt to make lopsided trades of players to improve one team. The troll will leave numerous messages on the league bulletin board from different identities to give the appearance of legitimacy to otherwise illicit behavior. Players that object to the obvious complicity are usually showered with insults and other attempts at evasion.
Forums — Forums of all kinds will attract trolls. Their behavior does not differ much from the above examples. There is no forum free of trolls. This could be seen as the unique factor in forum trolling: a forum about knitting has the same chance at getting trolled as a forum dedicated to a new sports car.

Common types of troll messages or activities:
off topic messages — "Can anyone help me make a webpage?" "No, this is a music forum."
inflammatory messages — "You are an idiot for including this type of message in your list."
messages containing an obvious flaw or error — "I think 2001: A Space Odyssey is Roman Polanski's best movie."
intentionally naïve or politically contentious messages — "I think George W. Bush is the best/worst President ever."
intentionally posting an outrageous argument deliberately constructed around a fundamental but obfuscated flaw or error; often the poster will become defensive when the argument is refuted but may instead continue the thread through the use of further flawed arguments; this is referred to as "feeding" the troll.
a subclass of the above is the flawed proof of an important unsolved mathematical problem or impossibility (e.g. 1 = 2); however these may not always be troll-posts and are sometimes at least mathematically interesting.
a new USENET newsgroup alt.genius.bill-palmer was created by Igor Chudov for the purpose of creating an outlet for discussing a controversial USENET personality Bill Palmer, himself an alleged USENET troll who managed to make his personality the center of all discissions. A swirl of messages attempting to disprove his geniality, crossposted to hell and back, made a.g.b-p the most popular new alt.* newsgroup of the year. Its creator was nominated for Troll of the year 1996 award.
including offensive media such as annoying sound files or disturbing pictures in a message, or linking to shock sites that contain such media. Often these links are disguised as legitimate links.
after a flamewar ensues, pretending to be innocent
posting plot spoilers to popular movies and books without warning, sometimes surreptitiously buried in an otherwise innocuous message
posting politically sensitive images in inappropriate places
off-topic complaints about personal life; sometimes this is the "cry for help" troll.
deliberate and repeated misspelling of other people's nicks in order to disturb or irritate them in a conversation.
plural or paranoid answers to personal opinions expressed by individuals — "I don't believe that all of you really believe that, you are teaming against me."
insulting people for bad grammar, which can be a highly sensitive topic; obvious overuse of bad grammar, or AIM-speak; or even insulting people for bad grammar while employing bad grammar, for an "ironic" effect that can often call people to call them out on their hypocrisy.
any combination of the above. For example a troll will combine inflammatory statements with poor grammar and AIM-speak. "lmfao you foctard u are so weak minded and predictablei thought i wan iggied i play ya like a card"

Other examples
Some trolls may denounce a particular religion in a religion newsgroup — though historically, this would have been called "flamebait". Like those who engage in flaming, self-proclaimed or alleged Internet trolls sometimes resort to innuendo or misdirection in the pursuit of their objectives.
A variant of the second variety (inflammatory messages) involves posting content obviously severely contradictory to the (stated or unstated) focus of the group or forum- for example, posting cat meat recipes on a pet lovers forum, posting evolutionary theory on a creationist forum (or vice versa), or posting messages about how all dragons are boring in the USENET group alt.fan.dragons.
Cross posting is a popular method of choice by Usenet trolls: a cross-posted article can be discussed simultaneously in several unrelated and/or opposing newsgroups; this is likely to result in a flame war. For instance, an anti-fast food flame bait might be cross posted to healthy eating groups, environmentalist groups, animal rights groups, as well as a totally off-topic artificial intelligence newsgroup.
An example of a successful troll is the well-known "Oh how I envy American students" USENET thread which got 3000+ followups.

Most discussion of what motivates Internet trolls comes from other Internet users who claim to have observed trolling behavior. There is little scholarly literature to describe either the term or the phenomenon. The comments of accused trolls might be unreliable, since they may in fact be intending to stir controversy rather than to advance understanding of the phenomenon. Likewise, accusers are often motivated by a desire to defend a particular Internet project and references to an Internet user as a troll might not be based on the actual goals of the person so named. As a result, identifying the goals of Internet trolls is most often speculative. Still, several basic goals have been attributed to Internet trolls, according to the type of disruption they are believed to be provoking.
Proposed motivations for trolling:
Anonymous attention-seeking: The troll seeks to dominate the thread by inciting anger, and effectively hijacking the topic at hand.
Amusement: To some people, the thought of a person getting angry over statements from total strangers is entertaining.
Cry for help: Many so-called trolls, in their postings, indicate disturbing situations regarding family, relationships, substances, and school--although it is impossible to know whether this is just simply part of the troll. Some believe that trolling is an aggressive, confrontational way by which trolls seek a sort of tough love guidance in an anonymous forum.
Self-proclaimed trolls and their defenders suggest that trolling is a clever way of improving discussion, or an alternative method of viewing power relations on large public wikis.
Wasting others' time: One of the greatest themes in trolling is the idea that you can spend one minute of your time posting a troll, causing 10 other people to waste ten minutes of their time, more or catalytically affecting lots of other people. Most trolls enjoy the idea that they wasted others time at comparatively little effort on their behalf.
Domino effect: Related to amusement, but a more specific fashion: starting large chain reactions in response to one's initial post. Achieving a disproportionately large response to a small action is the general theme. This is similar to how a young child that goes missing (but is actually hiding) may act with glee, seeing a large number of people conducting a massive search in response to the supposed disappearance.
Effect change in user opinions: A troll may state extreme positions to make his or her actual beliefs seem moderate (This often involves sock puppeteering, where the bad cop is a sock-puppet troll.) or, alternatively, play the role of Devil's advocate to strengthen opposing convictions [with which he or she usually actually agrees].
Test the integrity of a system against social attacks or other forms of misbehavior: For example, blatantly violating terms-of-use in order to see whether any action is taken by the site administrators.
Overcome feelings of inferiority or powerlessness by getting the experience of controlling an environment.
Fight "groupthink": Many trolls defend their actions as, when a sort of conformism settles, shocking people out of it.
Satire: In these cases, the individuals do not think of themselves as trolls, but misunderstood humorists or political commentators.
Personal attacks against one particular user or group of users
Lowering signal to noise ratio: On Slashdot, points that could be used to moderate interesting things up get wasted on moderating down things like ASCII pictures of the goatse man. This lowers the quality of comments at certain thresholds.
It is possible that they are using the perceived anonymity of the Internet as a platform to test an alternate persona.
In cases of small or relatively new forums, a troll might attempt to cause such a stir that the existing users are driven away until the forum is either empty or has lost a significant number of users.
It is difficult to gauge the motivations of trolls, since most of the justifications offered by alleged trolls for their behavior are nothing more than ruses concocted to continue whatever mischief they imagine themselves to have started. This is unfortunate because, as the above list supposes, there are legitimate reasons for engaging in the sort of actions for which trolling is known. Still, etiquette is simple and straightforward enough that most people can advance the aims professed by self-exculpatory trolls without actually resorting to these methods. Since there is a wide spectrum of possible motivations for trolls, some of these functions being benevolent and others, clearly malevolent, to typecast users as trolls in the negative sense is often rash.
Some users of Internet forums are considered to be "trollhunters", or "trollbaiters". They willingly enter conflict when trolls emerge. Often, trollhunters are as disruptive as trolls. A single troll-post may be ignored, but if ten trollhunters "pounce" following a troll, they will drive the thread offtopic.
Regarding troll-related conflicts, there are six groups into which users might be classified:
Trolls are users who actively provoke conflict.
Trollhunters (or Trollbaiters) behave according to a principle of "second strike". They do not initiate conflict, but escalate it once it begins. Often they use other trolls as an excuse for their own misbehavior, and in many cases, typecast a user as a "troll" regardless of his or her intent.
Ignorers seek to ignore the conflict, continuing with the topic at-hand. They usually express a nonchalant disdain for the troll, but do not seek actively to insult him or her. They behave like elders, issuing simple words of wisdom such as "Do not feed the trolls." or other phrases that generally mean the same thing: "Ignore the troublemaker and he will give up and go away." (The phrase "Do Not Feed The Energy Creature" or "DNFTEC" may be used, referring to a Star Trek episode in which a creature deliberately caused antagonism in order to feed on the psychic energy released) This type of response could be taken as passive-aggressive Trollbaiter behavior.
Moderators (not in the same sense as a "system moderator") seek to resolve the conflict, making all parties happy, if possible.
Bystanders withdraw from the conflict. In particularly bad cases, they will leave the forum in disgust.
Hijackers initiate an offtopic discussion in response to provocative posts by a troll.
In the attention-seeking cases, trolls seek the conflict provided by trollbaiters, whereas in the "cry for help" cases, they seek the consolance and compassion offered by moderators.
Possibly one of the most interesting cases of Trolling involves the "all things lamb" forum on the website for Mancunian Trip-Hop/Organica band Lamb, lambstar. The Troll in question was known on other music websites, is believed to have been a stalker, and in early 2005 began posting on the forum using both a variety of both his own user names and those of other regular posters - he was able to do this as the forum was neither moderated nor had a login facility. Within a few weeks most of the regular users of the forum, including the band themselves, had ceased posting and had resorted to email, telephone and instant messenger programs, most notably MSN messenger, for communication within the group, and by the beginning of April 2005 virtually all new postings were by the Troll. The purpose of the Troll was entertainment, however the campaign backfired: instead of continuing to react negatively to the Troll, the forum's regular users simply chose a different method of communication within which they had more control.

Resolutions and alternatives
In general, popular wisdom advises users to avoid feeding trolls, and to ignore temptations to respond. Responding to a troll inevitably drives discussion off-topic, to the dismay of bystanders, and supplies the troll with the craved attention. When trollhunters pounce on the trolls, ignorers reply with: "YHBT. YHL. HAND.", or "You have been trolled. You have lost. Have a nice day." However, since trollhunters (like trolls) are often conflict-seekers themselves, the loss usually is not on the part of the trollhunter; rather, the losers are the other forum-users who would have preferred that the conflict not emerge at all.
Literature on conflict resolution suggests that labeling participants in Internet discussions as trolls can perpetuate the unwanted behaviors. A person rejected by a social group, both online and offline, may assume an antagonistic role toward it, and seek to further annoy or anger members of the group. The "troll" label, often a sign of social rejection, may therefore perpetuate trolling.
Better results normally ensue when users take the moderator role and describe more constructive behaviors in a non-judgmental, non-confrontational way. Trolls are excited by trollhunters and frustrated by ignorers, and neither of these emotions produce positive results for the forum. Engaging trolls results in "flame wars". Trolls frustrated by the "ignore strategy" may leave the forum (and either troll elsewhere, or become constructive users) or may become progressively more inflammatory until they get a response.
Novice trolls often experience Troll's Remorse, a feeling of regret after losing their account (whether it be from an Internet Service Provider or from a livejournal) as a consequence of their trolling.

Usefulness of trolling

A major debate on the Internet is whether or not trolls perform any useful function. Because troll is such a broadly-applied term, if all definitions thereof are to be accepted, the answer must be definitively, "yes and no".

Users performing many useful, but controversial, functions are often decried as trolls, and in these cases, so-called trolling may actually benefit the forum in which it occurs. For example, the presence of a radical right-winger described as a troll may allow a conservative lurker to feel more comfortable expressing her viewpoints, which seem very moderate in contrast. On the other hand, if trollhunters mount a flame war against this right-wing troll, the conservative bystander may feel less comfortable expressing her views, to the detriment of the forum. As much as trolls claim to fight groupthink, they may actually encourage it by solidifying opinion against them.

Trolls may also provide a valuable service by making people question the validity of what is read both on the Internet and from other sources. Trolls show that expressing any opinion is as easy as expressing an informed and considered opinion and may get as much visibility. It is arguable that shock jocks, some newspaper columnists are trolling public opinion.
Even though useful content and productive users are sometimes decried as trolls, the general consensus is that pure "trolling" benefits only the troll and trollhunters, and has no place in any forum. Most forums reject the claim that pure and intentional trolling serves any useful purpose.
The Chinese characters for Internet troll are made up of the characters for Internet (互联网) combined with the characters for provocation (拖) and learning (钓).

Trolls can also in some circumstances be a source of genuine humour, which depends entirely upon whether the troll is a good or a bad troll. It's usually fairly easy to spot the difference between such actions: a bad troll resorts only to weak uncreative arguments whereas a good troll will create a subtle set of arguments which draw people in with cunning twists to provide a thread of non sequitur humour.

Some trolls have been known to try and troll threads into deletion and serve as a form of negative reinforcement to "newbies" and also help reduce clutter of spam threads on a large message board.

In many cases, trolling can lead to the administrator or moderators of a forum to implement features to the site to prevent trolling. Although this could be regarded as improving the website, it remains that the features would not be needed if the trolls weren't there.


Wondir: To Register Or Not

Wondir: To Register Or Not?

There seems to be a debate going on about whether or not un-registered users should be allowed to answer questions on Wondir.

As you all know I’m not shy about throwing my two-cents around. So here goes.

Having been around Wondir for awhile now, I know how big a pest some un-registered users can be on the site when they want to be, but I have also noticed that a vast majority of un-registered users answer questions correctly and can be a lot more helpful than some of the registered user accounts that I have had to delete over the past many months.

I first came to Wondir in August or September of 2004, simply to ask a question. I waited and got bored so I started answering questions, that’s probably how most of us got started.

Now there seems to be a movement afoot to make it a requirement that people register BEFORE you can help anyone. I’d rather see there be other benefits to registration than just the ability to answer questions.

I’ll be the first to tell you that if registration had been a requirement to answer posted questions then I probably never would have bothered with the site at all.

It’s too much work and usually too much spam down the line to bother registering. So most of the time I just bail on the site entirely.

By requiring a guest to register before being able to answer questions and give advice I believe that Wondir would be losing a very valuable resource, NEW USERS!

People want to be able to feel out a site before having to sign-up for anything. (Plus, coming up with a cool handle takes time, planning and just the right amount pizzazz!).

I say let people have time to choose, to freely roam the site asking and answering questions, once they feel at home they’ll sign up, if they have to register first they might lose interest and not bother coming back.

Once they really feel at home (read: addicted) they’ll register and become one of the named masses that currently frequent Wondir. They’ll become regulars (as opposed to irregulars?)
As for the trolls there’s ways to handle them too and ways to identify them too! (I smell another post coming…)

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